Wednesday, May 6, 2009

1st Annual NABI Pow wow

This past weekend a good friend of mine came to town to compete in the first annual Native American Basketball Invitational Pow wow. Rusty and I started working together 13 years ago in Bismarck, ND and I've always admired him for the effort he puts into being the best man he can. He has been an accomplished basketball player, a nationally acclaimed Pow wow Grass Dancer, a successful self-employed businessman and a very proud husband and father. I am honored to know Rusty and call him my friend. I was also honored to walk beside him in his competition arena on Sunday, especially since he took 1st place in the senior men's grass dance category.

These first two pictures are of Rusty in action.


The rest of the pictures are people that stood out to me for various reasons. I hope you find them as intriguing as I do.



I thought this guy was intense. He caught my eye all day.


And who doesn't love cool little kids?




Wendy said...

These photos are amazing Chad! Those kids look adorable!

Stephannie Shea said...

Those were such beautiful pictures. The colors are so vibrant. Great job. Very cool for your friend as well.